Actually, I hope nobody minds if I think about PILLS aloud a tiny bit. orz
I… really don’t think anyone would argue if I said ‘Pills is dead’, right now. The ‘why’ is probably not very important to talk about… it’s complicated, and I think we all sort of have a pretty good idea as to the factors of it’s demise.
But I sort of wonder if it’s possible to bring it back, even if it’s just for some kind of closure. Or even if that’d be a good idea. Perhaps it’s best to just leave it, in which case I’m seriously being a derp right now.
I guess the question is, if there was interest in getting back into it, how the fuck would we? There’s been a lot of ideas, and I know there’s still the occasional canon event, but it’s not… really working super great.
Um, so, perhaps this is really presumptuous, but I had an idea. And I don’t know if it’s any good, but I figure that it can’t… PHYSICALLY hurt to post it!
The first thing, I figure, is just to get an idea of who is interested in seeing it through. I know some people are, and I don’t know about others, and I don’t think it’s bad if anyone’s lost interest. We’ve worked around missing characters before, and I don’t want to force anyone into an RP they don’t want to be in.
Umm… the second thing I thought about…
We’ve had ideas for events before, things that we can do to get everyone back in, but I don’t know if that will really accomplish much…
So I wonder, rather… if it’d help if everyone simply came up with a list of things that they would want or need to do… in order to bring their character’s arc to some kind of satisfactory conclusion. Just… ahh, little one on one or other small things that would be easier to do, but move individual characters along.
Ahhhh, I don’t really know what I’m talking about here… I guess… in my case, I feel like Rochen’s finished the character arc I had planned for her. There aren’t many things that I’d really like to see for her, anymore. Maybe… I’d love to see her fight side by side with VW sometime, for whatever reason. Or maybe I’d like to see some kind of resolution or conversation about her tendency to polyamory, since the way she’s been left off, she’s been flirting with other people, and it’s definitely not a sustainable or very smart thing. I’d want her to have a conversation with DI about her current choice of Kismesis… aannnd… I guess if there was one other thing I’d really love to get out of canon, I think she still has a lot of very painful feelings about killing OU, and to go further, killing in general. It’d be pretty nice if she could confess her feelings to someone, although admittedly this last part is mostly selfish.
Bluh, I feel like I’ve lost track of what I was trying to say, but I think I managed to communicate my point?
I mean, if I’m flogging a dead horse, that’s… fine, I guess. I’m not going to hold it against anyone if Pills never comes back in any major capacity. I just wanted to get this out there, I suppose.
I’m going to be on PC for a while, I think. I’ll open up PILLS_OOC, if anyone’s in the mood. If not, that’s cool, too!