I am Rainbowmetal Demon Coyote
I am a female morphic alligator with green scales and mysterious yellow eyes. She is of very tall height and has a skinny build. She has a poised attitude.
For the first one, Spirit Angel Angel Deer. I seriously got Angel twice. What the hell??
For the second one:
“This is a female morphic lizard with medium black scales and shifty medium green eyes. She is of very tall height and has a large-breasted build. She has a childlike attitude.”
… brb, gonna go look for more funny generators. =D
Earth Night (or Draco Light if we’re going by birth names) Fire Bear (I’m going with Earthnight Firebear. My parents were hippies.
My description: This is a male morphic mongoose with a luxurious black pelt, and sad brown eyes. He is of very short height and has a wide-shouldered build. Despite his arrogant attitude, you get a feeling that his actual personality is intelligent.Name: NinjaRainbow WindRainbow (ohgod what)
Description: This is a female morphic geko with dark white scales and mishcevious black eyes. She is of very tall height and has a plump build. Her features are a mix of thoughtful and childlike.
Rainbow Rainbow Goldroo
This is a male morphic alligator with dark magenta scales and mishcevious dark brown eyes. He is of tall height and has a wide-shouldered build. Despite his playful attitude, you get a feeling that his actual personality is crafty.Ahahahahaha
Shadow Angel Wind Coyote
that’s not so-
This is a female morphic lizard with gold scales and squinty dark black eyes. She is of short height and has a slender build. Her features give the impression that she is thoughtful.
Moonangel Wind… SLUG FUCK
This is a female morphic rabbit with and lustful medium brown eyes. She is of tall height and has a femminine build. She has a mature aura.
Man, that turned out surprisingly boring I am not even a weird color or anything :<